Nice aroma of bright hops. Smooth on the palate, but strong dank hop bitterness builds from back of palate. Becomes more rounded in hop flavor, but leaves lingering bitterness with some yeast flavor.
From a mixed holiday pack. Canned 11/29/2022, drank on 1/5/2023.
Strong sweet aroma, almost smell a little alcohol heat. No bitterness bite, but a strong hop sweetness comes in quickly, which is then replaced by a yeast sweetness. Aftertaste is fairly mellow with some sweetness mix of hops, yeast, and malt. In the background you can tell there’s some alcohol waiting to catch up with you (9.5%).
Strong aroma of sweet malt, and resinous hops. Taste is slightly sweet, almost fruity. Thick resin flavor comes in, along with a hop bite. Hints of the 9% alcohol in subsequent drinks. Very flavorful, but not overpowering like most Imperial IPA are.
Sweet fruity aroma, mainly smells like hops. Taste is slightly cloying and sweet with a slightly bigger edge. This fades as a slow crescendo of peach flavor slowly builds. Finish is very nice and tasty, not juice-like or over fruity at all. Refreshing, and it hides its 8.9% ABV amazingly well.
Bottled 4/12/2022, tasted on 4/30/2022. Super fresh.
Faint sweet hop aroma. Taste starts with a sharp hip edge, then turns really sweet with caramel malt, and finishes even sweeter almost like sugar and hops bitterness mixed together. Aftertaste is a lingering mild sweetness, but then a sourness creeps in at the end. Overall too harsh and sweet.
Got this as part of a Hoppy Christmas mix pack in 2021.
Great fresh hop aroma with hints of yeast, reminiscent of Huma Lupa. Flavor is sharp and sweet, with a slightly ragged edge on the back end, followed by strong caramel malt sweetness. Too sweet and bitter for my tastes.
Beautiful fresh fruity hop aroma. Crisp bitterness hop bite, followed by a mild Carmel malt smoothness. Finishes with mild malt flavor, then lingering hop bitterness.
Thick, sweet aroma with occasional breakthroughs of sharp citrus smells. Flavor streaks out all over the palate, with resiny bite of hops that sits pretty bitter before slowly fading to leave a mild malt and yeast taste. Interesting, but a bit too resiny for me.
No real aroma. Slightly sweet taste, but very subdued. Not a bitter hop monster, and also doesn’t taste like a 9.4% beer. Shockingly not too much of anything.
3.5 out of 5 stars.
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.