Canned 11/29/2021, tasted on 1/15/2022. Fresh, sweet hop aroma, very nice. Slightly sweet and puckering, but cleans off the palate quickly. Slight lingering hop fruitiness. Very nice and balanced. Full of fruity hop flavor, but no clinging aftertaste.
Sweet aroma, almost like citronella. Very tart taste with an immediate rush of malt flavor. This then gives way to a nice fresh juicy hop flavor that’s not bitter at all. Very nice and drinkable. Amazing flavors for a 4.4% ABV beer. It doesn’t taste watered down or lacking at all.
Full of flowery hop aroma. Sharp hop sweetness with a moderate hop aftertaste that lingers. Can taste a slight watered-down flavor in the aftertaste. Overall, didn’t really care for the spicy hop flavor.
Slightly sweet, slightly harsh aroma. Taste has sharp bite of hops bitterness that quickly gets watered down, then replaced with a subtle swelling of hop aftertaste. Refreshing, but quite dynamic for a session IPA.
Harsh sweet smell with a bite. Very nice malty taste with very little hops taste. Very full of flavor for a low alcohol beer, though. Slightly hoppy aftertaste with a malt undertone.
Bottled on 10/30/13, drank on 1/17/14, 2.5 months old.
Nice fresh, slightly sweet hop smell. Full crisp hop sweetness that fades out and just leaves the slight sweetness. In the end you can almost taste the battle waging between a mild hop taste and a clean water taste. Not in a watered down light beer way, but you can tell it’s a lower alcohol version.
4 out of 5 Stars.
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.