My last rating on this was from 9 years ago, so figured I’d do another review to see if the beer has changed, or my taste buds. This one was bottled on 9/7/2022, treated on 12/19/2022.
Strong sweet aroma slightly of dark malt, but mostly of bourbon barrel. Mouthfeel is fairly liquid-y, not thick or heavy. Gives me much more of an impression of drinking a bourbon rather than a beer. Slightly dark malt and candied sugar tasting. Bourbon flavor/aroma is present, but not overly strong. These are all tasting notes when beer is very cold, right out of the fridge. Will let it sit some and warm a bit.
Smell of syrupy French toast. First taste is interesting, but strange. Slight alcohol-y bourbon taste with syrup in the background. Doesn’t really taste like a beer, just kind of an alcohol laden sweet drink of some sort.
Sweet fruity aroma, mainly smells like hops. Taste is slightly cloying and sweet with a slightly bigger edge. This fades as a slow crescendo of peach flavor slowly builds. Finish is very nice and tasty, not juice-like or over fruity at all. Refreshing, and it hides its 8.9% ABV amazingly well.
Bottled 4/12/2022, tasted on 4/30/2022. Super fresh.
Canned 11/29/2021, tasted on 1/15/2022. Fresh, sweet hop aroma, very nice. Slightly sweet and puckering, but cleans off the palate quickly. Slight lingering hop fruitiness. Very nice and balanced. Full of fruity hop flavor, but no clinging aftertaste.
Tart cherry aroma, like cough syrup. Taste is very sweet, but no bite from dark malt. Super sweet. Need to let this warm up to see if the character changes…
Warmer is mellower on the raspberry. But still super sweet and cloying.
Sweet aroma balance of yeast, hops, and mild caramel malt. Crisp taste of hops and malt in equal portions. Aftertaste is mostly one of caramel malt, but not overly sweet. Hop flavor comes in like a palate cleanser and sweeps most of the malt taste away.
Bright aroma of hops and a bit of yeast. Crisp flavor of hops, light malt, and a bit of yeast fill the palate full of flavors. Fades fairly quickly, then leaves just a lingering bitterness with a yeast complement in the background.
First tasted cold and it was not good- no real flavor, just warm bourbon alcohol heat. Let it sit for a few minutes, it’s still cold-ish. Sweet aroma with hints of bourbon. Taste is smooth, with a broad malt flavor that mellows quickly and provides a mild bourbon flavor in background. Nice blend. Aftertaste leaves a bit too much bourbon for my taste.
Faint sweet hop aroma. Smooth taste with subdued hops flavor and a mild year/wheat malt flavor. Overall, very mild. Hard to believe with flavors this subtle that it’s 6.3%. Slight hop bitterness lingering in aftertaste.
Faint sweetness in the aroma of malt or corn. Clean taste with a slight twinge of sweetness, but overall pretty bland. No aftertaste except a hint at the very back of the roof of the mouth of a mild sweetness. Totally unremarkable. Sure, make a light lager for people that drink Bud Light, but why? But why not just buy Bud Light?
2.5 out of 5 stars
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.