This is about my 10th brewing of a British Bitter. Bitter was the beer that started me on my homebrewing hobby years ago. I loved the bitters when we lived in England, and I couldn’t find that beer when we came back to the U.S., so I decided I should start brewing my own beers. This is the first iteration that actually reminds me of British bitter, so I’m happy to be on the right path now.
Faint mild malt aroma and a slightly spicy yeast aroma as well. First taste has an ever so slight crispness, then a mouthful of malt flavor intermixed with a slightly roast flavor and the presence of characteristic British yeast. Barely noticeable aftertaste of mild malt.
Brewed: 8/4/2023. Distributed: 2023.
ABV: 4.2%, IBU: 31
Malts: Maris Otter, Caramel 20L, Caramel 60L, Amber.
Hops: Cluster, Target, East Kent Goldings, Challenger.
Yeast: White Labs WLP002 English Ale.