From a mixed holiday pack. Canned 11/29/2022, drank on 1/5/2023.
Strong sweet aroma, almost smell a little alcohol heat. No bitterness bite, but a strong hop sweetness comes in quickly, which is then replaced by a yeast sweetness. Aftertaste is fairly mellow with some sweetness mix of hops, yeast, and malt. In the background you can tell there’s some alcohol waiting to catch up with you (9.5%).
Strong sweet hop aroma that’s really thick like ripe fruit. Slightly crisp bite of hop bitterness immediately replaced by a fluffy smoothness. Leaves a slightly tart hop flavor on the palate, intended with flavors of mango.
Faint sweet aroma, not sure if malt, hops, or yeast. Taste is muffled hops flavor, with no bitter edge. Repeat taste is a bit more harsh with muddled mix of hops and yeast flavor. Slight lingering sweetness.
Unfortunately, this one is going to be a dumper. Packaged 12/22/2021, drank on 3/10/2022.
Nice solid hop aroma. Taste has a slight twinge of sweetness to it, slightly puckering the taste buds. Good flavor of dark malts in the background- recognizable but not overpowering. Finish is mix of nice hop flavor combined with yeast taste. Very refreshing and flavorful overall.
Crisp, bright aroma, with a mild malt sweetness. Clean taste, without much detectable hop flavors. Smooths out into nice broad light malt taste with a bit of crispness. Pleasant, but something I would fight someone over if it was the last one in the cooler.
Faint sweet hop aroma. Crisp bite with a caramel crispness that’s distinct, but not too sweet. Very dry aftertaste with a palate cleansing bite from hops and the yeast. Very refreshing and tasty.
Sweet aroma. Nice crisp hop taste, has a notable “hollow-like taste” immediately after the initial hop taste, then a nice smooth malt taste slides in. Great flavor. Good hop taste, with nice clean malt balance.
Nice strong sweet hop aroma. Nice hop flavor that doesn’t have a harsh bite. Full hop flavor and maltiness, that gives way to a robust caramel malt flavor. This slowly fades and is replaced by a broad hop flavor that lingers.
Fresh smell of slightly fruity hops. Taste is clean and crisp with hop flavor not overly bitter or sweet. Can taste slightly sweet, drying yeast flavor. Finishes very dry with a mild malt sweetness and hop bitterness lingering in the background.
Very clear smell of fresh yeast, with a hint of hop fruitiness in the background. Taste is slightly crisp and refreshing. Slight edge of hops with a smooth sweetness of hops and yeast. As it warms, more flavorful full-mouth fruit hop flavor takes center stage.
4.5 out of 5 stars
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.