Tag Archives: 4_stars

Deschutes Black Butte XXXVI

Faint soft aroma almost like a mild fruit. Fairly substantial flavor bite at first of dark malt and yeast sweetness that gradually fades down to just a moderate clean malt taste.

The label says with chocolate and peanut butter. Can’t really taste the peanut butter, but maybe that gives some of the lingering nuttiness. As it warms, hints of the bourbon barrel sneaks in. But still very smooth.

Doesn’t taste at all like 11.1%

4 out of 5 stars.

New Holland Mad Hatter

Almost no aroma, but with some searching, found a subtle hop fruitiness. Taste has a clean edge to it, clearing the palate, then leaning some mild hop taste with a bit of clean malt in the background.

Taste fills in better after the beer warms a little bit. There is also a slight soapy taste to it, but I just had another beer (NEIPA) just before it in this same glass with no hint of that.

Canned 10/05/2023, drank 1/9/2024.

4 out of 5 stars.