Mild aroma of dark chocolatey malts. Tweaks the palate with dryness from the yeast and quickly fills in with clean dark malt flavors. Finishes fairly clean with hints of dark chocolate lingering on the edges.
Nice dark malt aroma. Taste is smooth, without a bite, with nice flavor. Flavor is broad with dark malt and some sweetness. Interesting combination of dark malt and rye. Finishes work very little lingering flavors after a bit of sweetness fades.
Slightly sweet aroma. Broad palate of flavors, but finishes very clean and with no apparent bite from hops. Slightly sweet aftertaste lingers a bit, but overall tastes fairly light. Surprising this is a 6.8% beer.
Dark malt aroma, but not overpowering or sweet. Slightly crisp on the palate, but scatters in all directions without leaving a strong taste. Moderate dark malt taste in background with hints of light hops and a mild yeast taste.
Aroma of faint dark malt. Slightly thick sweet maltiness in first taste, which immediately translates to a dryness, with some hop flavor coming in on the backside. Leaves palate fairly clear with a hint of dark malt sweetness and some hop bitterness. Very tasty.
Clean aroma of slightly sweet dark malt. Full malt flavor spreads out across the palate, then finishes somewhat dry, with a clean lingering dark malt taste.
Aroma of mild chocolate and fresh peanuts mixed in. Interesting flavorful taste that dips in and out, hinting at strong flavors, then suddenly disappearing. Seems like it’s gonna settle in on a mild roast coffee flavor, then that, too, fades away. Very flavorful, and the dry finish leaves it not too heavy/sweet for another drink.
Very sweet aroma, not quite bourbon like but similar. Sharp flavor bite of sweetness like dark chocolate, quickly followed by strong (but not overpowering) coconut flavors. Finishes witha mild dark malt roastiness that’s smooth.
Clean dark malt aroma with hints of fruit sweetness. Taste is initially one of sweet cherries but quickly is replaced by a dry coffee-like dark malt taste. After a few more drinks the coffee flavor mellows out and a nice residual cherry sweetness is left.
Slightly sweet, slightly rich aroma of dark malt. Complex flavor that dances around but never grows to a big giant taste. Leaves you with a slightly bready malt flavor that fades out smoothly.
4.5 out of 5 Stars.
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.