Fresh hop aroma. Taste is slightly crisp followed by strong fruitiness like juice. Taste on back end is slightly drying from yeast and gives hints of alcohol intensity. Overall a bit sweet, almost like spiked orange juice.
3 out of 5 stars.
Fresh hop aroma. Taste is slightly crisp followed by strong fruitiness like juice. Taste on back end is slightly drying from yeast and gives hints of alcohol intensity. Overall a bit sweet, almost like spiked orange juice.
3 out of 5 stars.
No real aroma other than a very mild caramel malt sweetness. Taste is clean and uneventful. No real aftertaste. Very akin to a nice glass of water. Not offensive in any way, but not exciting either.
3 out of 5 stars.
Just bought today, 1/14/2023, they have no marking on cardboard box, but saw after opening this was canned on 2/10/22. Damn I hate buying old beer!
Very sticky sweet aroma of hops and caramel malts. Taste is mostly smooth with a little bit of a hop edge on the back end. Almost mediciny-like taste comes in, a mix of malt and yeast. Finishes with a dry palate and a slight edge of hop bitterness as the malt/yeast sweetness crescendos and then fades.
3 out of 5 stars.
Bright, fruity hop aroma. Very sweet taste from yeast and the malt makes it very smooth, with no hop bite. Overall a bit too fruity and sweet for my tastes.
3 out of 5 stars.
Faint sweet hop aroma. Taste starts with a sharp hip edge, then turns really sweet with caramel malt, and finishes even sweeter almost like sugar and hops bitterness mixed together. Aftertaste is a lingering mild sweetness, but then a sourness creeps in at the end. Overall too harsh and sweet.
3 out of 5 stars.
Sweet dark malt aroma. Very watered down taste, smooth but a very notable void of flavors. Slight dark malt flavor in the background, but no perceivable hops. Very drinkable at 4.2%, but the overall lack of flavor kind of makes you feel like- why?
3 out of 5 stars.
Strong sweet aroma. Smooth taste without any hop bite. Thick sweetness on the palate with mild hop aftertaste lingering, with hints of alcohol.
3 out of 5 stars.
Almost no aroma. Very little taste, a bit of caramel malt. Carbonation seems low, maybe they’re calling sure to quarantine, but not really carbonated canning. Might be a very different beer if well carbonated.
3 out of 5 stars.
Sweet aroma of hops, with a tropical twist. Smooth taste that quickly spreads across the palate. Slight hop bitterness that smooths out quickly and leaves you with a yeast taste. Further drinks seem to crispen the taste and leave the taste buds puckered.
After a few drinks, leaves a very distinct, salty aftertaste. Not a fan of that…
3 out of 5 stars.
No aroma. Very tart taste, puckers the tastebuds. Very citrusy, immediately cleans the palate. Lingers with a bit of hop harshness.
3.5 out of 5 stars.