My last rating on this was from 9 years ago, so figured I’d do another review to see if the beer has changed, or my taste buds. This one was bottled on 9/7/2022, treated on 12/19/2022.
Strong sweet aroma slightly of dark malt, but mostly of bourbon barrel. Mouthfeel is fairly liquid-y, not thick or heavy. Gives me much more of an impression of drinking a bourbon rather than a beer. Slightly dark malt and candied sugar tasting. Bourbon flavor/aroma is present, but not overly strong. These are all tasting notes when beer is very cold, right out of the fridge. Will let it sit some and warm a bit.
Smell of syrupy French toast. First taste is interesting, but strange. Slight alcohol-y bourbon taste with syrup in the background. Doesn’t really taste like a beer, just kind of an alcohol laden sweet drink of some sort.
Typical slightly sweet caramel malt aroma. Initial taste has a very slight twang, that fades and is replaced by a mix of malt and yeast sweetness. Finishes cleanly with just a mild caramel malt flavor in the background.
Thick sweet aroma with thick malt aroma. Sweet taste that curls the taste buds. Bready sweetness that hints like it’s going to dip into bourbon flavor, but stops just short. Nice, surprisingly smooth with the strong sweetness.
Nice malt aroma, not too dark. Taste is a bit sweet, but is followed by a moderate malt taste that is an intermix of clean grain and sweet syrupy stuff. I would prefer it to not be so sweet.
Sweetness fades significantly as it warms slightly. Comes through with a much cleaner grain taste.
4 out of 5 stars.
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.