Fresh, sticky hop aroma. Crisp bite that’s full flavor of hops, mild caramel malt sweetness, and a touch of yeast. The yeast then comes in with a drying effect and wipes the palate, leaving hints of the up front flavors lingering altogether.
Aroma of slight caramel malt, maybe some hop or yeast sweetness. Taste is even across the palate and had a balanced malt taste that gives way to a smooth hop flavor. Aftertaste has a slight lingering bitterness.
Sweet, resiny hop aroma. Crisp, but not biting flavor of hops balanced by a slight caramel malt taste. Leaves the palate clean, with hints of hops fading away into the background.
Strong sweet syrupy aroma. Crisp fresh bite of hop bitterness and yeast. Clean and refreshing, but not in a “Gatorade” sort of way. Good full flavor of hops but no lingering bitterness. Aftertaste is one of mild malt and a bit of yeast.
Drank on 8/15/2017. Nice full sweet aroma, not overbearing. Can clearly taste a clean but complex hop character. Moderate malt sweetness, followed by a slightly dry yeast flavor. Nice almost fruit like flavor.
Dry, slightly sweet aroma. Slightly crisp flavor with a bit of bitterness. Hop bitterness is a bit too much, leaves with a taste of malt mixed in with bitterness.