Very slight hop aroma plus hints of caramel malt. Taste is fairly smooth with no hop bite, then a rush of caramel malt and clean neutral yeast taste. Nice combination of all with hops actually taking a slightly more background presence, but still a clean crispness.
Slightly hot aroma of the barrel age. Smooth dark chocolate taste with very little bitterness or aftertaste. Further drinks provide aroma and aftertaste of a very rich dark chocolate milkshake- but workout the sweetness.
Sweet dark malt aroma. Very smooth on the palate. Creamy mouthful with just a hint of dark malt that fades almost immediately just leaving the smooth creamy taste. Very easy to drink (4.2% ABV).
Thick sweet dark malt aroma. Very smooth and flavorful with a slight dryness like dark chocolate. Slight dark sweetness in the taste, but finishes very dry with just hints of mild malt flavor.
Amazing. These imperial stouts almost always have a bourbon burn- so much so, that I didn’t know you could make a 13% ABV imperial stout like this without bourbon!
Fresh, clean hop aroma. Taste is crisp with a good mix of hops, yeast, and a hint of caramel malt. Full flavor balance, but leaves palate fairly clear with just some lingering hoppiness.
Bright floral hop aroma. Crisp bite of hops that gets washed away by a caramel malt sweetness, followed by a yeast dryness. Clean, dry palate afterwards work done lingering hop bitterness in the background. Very refreshing.
Bright sweet hop aroma with caramel malt notes. Crisp hop bite with a fish of clean light caramel malt flavor that washes out the bitterness. Very tasty.
Nice sweet, sticky hop aroma. Flavor is crisp with hops, then cuts sweet and slick like there is some rye lingering in there. Nice afterwards of some caramel malt sweetness, yeast, and moderate hop bitterness. Easy drinking and very flavorful.
Tucson, AZ brewery. Canned 9/11/2023, drank on 10/14/2023. Can also had a best by date, that was 2 months after canning. They definitely want it drank fresh.
Nice sweet aroma of dark malt and bourbon barrel in the background. Slightly sweet taste at first, then seems to have a brief hop bite that quickly fades, then a mild roast coffee flavor enters in and lingers. Wow, amazing assortment of flavors, all very nicely done. The beer seems to have zero carbonation, but maybe that help makes it so smooth on the palate.
5 out of 5 stars.
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.