Just bought today, 1/14/2023, they have no marking on cardboard box, but saw after opening this was canned on 2/10/22. Damn I hate buying old beer!
Very sticky sweet aroma of hops and caramel malts. Taste is mostly smooth with a little bit of a hop edge on the back end. Almost mediciny-like taste comes in, a mix of malt and yeast. Finishes with a dry palate and a slight edge of hop bitterness as the malt/yeast sweetness crescendos and then fades.
Canned on 4/22/2020, this review done on 7/8/2020. Hops have a fruity and resinous aroma. Taste has notable caramel malt sweetness and clean bitterness in background. Finishes fairly clean with slight lingering of both the hop bitterness and caramel sweetness.
Nice hefty sweet hop aroma. Crisp hop flavor bite, that ends up with a swirl of hop flavors, none of them overpowering. Finishes with a slight malt sweetness. Smooth.
Sweet aroma, almost like citronella. Very tart taste with an immediate rush of malt flavor. This then gives way to a nice fresh juicy hop flavor that’s not bitter at all. Very nice and drinkable. Amazing flavors for a 4.4% ABV beer. It doesn’t taste watered down or lacking at all.