Aroma of dark sweet malt. Crispness of malt with a slight yeast sweetness that comes in to push the malt flavor away. Slightly crisp hop bite can also be detected up front. Very clean, with lingering hints of dark malt sweetness.
5 out of 5 stars.
Aroma of dark sweet malt. Crispness of malt with a slight yeast sweetness that comes in to push the malt flavor away. Slightly crisp hop bite can also be detected up front. Very clean, with lingering hints of dark malt sweetness.
5 out of 5 stars.
Bright fruity hop aroma. First taste is slightly puckering like lime, but smooths quite quickly. Bright and flavorful burst in the mouth, then mellows and leaves with a slightly taste aftertaste.
4 out of 5 stars.
Nice floral aroma of hops. Crisp flavor bite that ignites taste buds and gets the mouth watering. Very hop flavorful, but not bitter at all. Hop flavor gives way to nice rounded malt flavor and finishes with a mild taste of both the hops and malt.
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Sweet aroma, with a hint of roast malts. Nice crisp malt bite, replaced by smooth malt flavor. Ends with a roast malt taste.
4 out of 5 Stars.
Faint hop smell. Sweet flavor, not much hop taste except in aftertaste. Cask ale on tap at the brewery.
4 out of 5 Stars.
Dark, sweet aroma. Very strong dark malt taste almost like coffee. Despite that heavy dark taste, it quickly steps down and fades out leaving hints of hops mixed with the dark malt. Much darker and heavier than the Alts I had in Dusseldorf.
3 out of 5 Stars.
Sharp, sweet hop aroma. Great very strong hop taste that wages full assault on the taste buds. Hop taste fades our from being super strong to just regular strong and lingers from there. Very strong full-flavored hoppiness throughout that’s a pure joy.
5 out of 5 stars.