All posts by micraftbeer

Short’s Bludgeonyereye

Sweet, slightly hoppy aroma. Almost smells like a sweaty armpit- but somehow not in an offensive way.  Mouthful of hop sharpness and dark malt blackness.  Not sure of the hop used, but this malt flavor would be delicious with a more citrusy type of hop.  Leaves you with a slight malt aftertaste.  Beer is much tastier after it warms a bit to around 40, rather than the 35 right out of the fridge.  The hops and malt seem to balance much better slightly warmer.

4 out of 5 Stars.


Alaskan Hop-a-Thermia

Rich sweet hop aroma, but not too strong.  Nice sharp hop bite with a strong malt flavor in the background.  Finishes with a nice balance of hops and malt and minor hop flavors fading in the distance.  Gives no hint of its big ABV.  Label says 040514, but it’s May 9th.  I got this as a gift from someone a little over a month ago, so I must have missed the best by date by a month.  I wonder how it would be fresh.

4.5 out of 5 Stars.

Alaskan Hop-a-Thermia