Faint soft aroma almost like a mild fruit. Fairly substantial flavor bite at first of dark malt and yeast sweetness that gradually fades down to just a moderate clean malt taste.
The label says with chocolate and peanut butter. Can’t really taste the peanut butter, but maybe that gives some of the lingering nuttiness. As it warms, hints of the bourbon barrel sneaks in. But still very smooth.
Thick dark malt aroma. Full flavor of dark malt, but with a crispness to it instead of a sweetness. Flavorful dance of hops and dark malt, never wore sure which one is taking lead. His contribute a nice clean bitterness, not fruity at all. Very inspiring.
Strong sweet aroma. Taste is smooth with no real hop bite. Flavor comes through of some muted caramel malts, then leaves you with some residual hop flavors. Overall very easy drinking.
Slightly sweet, slightly rich aroma of dark malt. Complex flavor that dances around but never grows to a big giant taste. Leaves you with a slightly bready malt flavor that fades out smoothly.
4.5 out of 5 Stars.
Craft beer and homebrew from a Michigan perspective.