Homebrew IRL (Initial Rye Lager)

I wanted to do a lager to try out new pressurized fermentation process/equipment, and I thought a rye lager might be cool.  I was looking for a COVID-inspired name, so came up with IRL, which I learned what it meant during lockdown quarantines.

Aroma is faint sweetness like pears or some sort of light fruit.  Taste is initially pretty flat on the palate, then turns to a nice mild grain taste.  Not much notable hop presence, mostly overall clean malt-tasting lager.  No real detectable rye “spiciness”, other than maybe hints of a slickness on the palate in the background.

Brewed: 5/2/2021.  Distributed: 5/27/2021.

ABV: 5.5%,  IBU: 35

Malts: Maris Otter, Rye Malt, Munich, Caramel 20L, Carafoam.

Hops: Cascade, Willamette.

Yeast: Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager.

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