I made this recipe once before and enjoyed it, then recently had a hankering to work it in to my brew rotation. That hit my rotation at the same time as I got an email about the National Homebrew Competition, so I decided I’d send it in as an entry.
Smell of dark malts with a dark sweetness. Crisp taste is sweet and coats the mouth. Full-flavored malt backed by distinct sweetness of the Scottish yeast. Full-on flavor assault on the taste buds and fades slowly.
Brewed: 2/12/2021. Distributed: 3/24/2021.
ABV: 7.4%, IBU: 32
Malts: Golden Promise, Munich Malt, White Wheat, Black Malt, Smoked Wheat.
Hops: Hallertau Mittelfrueh, Saaz.
Yeast: Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale