I’ve made this beer a few times. After a few iterations a while ago, I honed it in to be where I wanted it, hence the name. This particular batch I tried a slight process variation on the dry hops, and it didn’t give me as great of a hop aroma as before. So this one isn’t truly perfect…
Brown head of foam. Decent hop aroma. First drink gives a bite of dark malt, but is immediately backed up by bright hop flavor. That then transitions out to a blended mix of hops and malt, with a mild dark malt aftertaste. Still enjoyable.
Brewed: 11/4/2020. Distributed: 12/10/2020.
ABV: 5.9%, IBU: 58
Malts: Golden Promise, Brewer’s 2-row malt, Carafa III, Munich, Carafa I.
Hops: Magnum, Citra, Simcoe
Yeast: Wyeast 1056 American Ale